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Sky wheel Cancun – Mexico
Architectural, Public Spaces

Sky wheel Cancun – Mexico

Illuminating the Sky Wheel with ENTTEC's pixel dots

Display home LED pod ceiling
Architectural, Retail/Commercial

Display home LED pod ceiling

The ultimate indoor display home experience: by Kaplan Homes

Big Star condo

Big Star condo

Architectural LED lighting takes an apartment makeover to a new level

Full Production illuminate the rainforest with ENTTEC pixel control
Architectural, Entertainment, Retail/Commercial

Full Production illuminate the rainforest with ENTTEC pixel control

Take your game to another level

Indonesian transit skybridge
Architectural, Public Spaces

Indonesian transit skybridge

LED lighting for a modern public transport hub

Korean LED pixel-mapped suspension bridge
Architectural, Public Spaces

Korean LED pixel-mapped suspension bridge

Illuminating the Ulsan footbridge

ENTTEC gear controls spectacular Tasman Bridge LED lighting
Architectural, Public Spaces

ENTTEC gear controls spectacular Tasman Bridge LED lighting

Transforming Tasman Bridge into a Nighttime Spectacle

The Royal Danish Theatre’s fairytale LED lighting
Architectural, Entertainment, Events

The Royal Danish Theatre’s fairytale LED lighting

Architectural lighting meets operatic live performance

A dazzling architectural LED show
Architectural, Events, Public Spaces

A dazzling architectural LED show

Dynamic, pixel-mapped civic lighting on a huge scale brings a Siberian city to life

Architectural, Entertainment, Retail/Commercial


Step into a realm where reality blurs and imagination takes flight

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